F is for...

Friends. I have to remember every single day the wonderful friends I have, and how much they truly mean to me. I am someone who doesn't have a TON of friends, and I honestly prefer it that way. The people I call my friends are true to me, they love me and I can always count on them no matter what - and vice versa. Above is a picture from this past weekend's trip to Philly with Rachel (on the right) and Candis (on the left). These are two of my very best friends from two very different parts of my life. I was so happy they were able to meet, and what was even better was that they really liked each other. We were also able to meet one of Rachel's best friends from college, Juliet (in the center of the photo), who was one of the sweetest, coolest, most beautiful girls I've ever met. It's really such a wonderful thing to have friends from different parts of your life come together and become friends themselves. Really special.
I'm not going to mention and post pictures all of my friends here today because I could really go on forever about how wonderful they are and how much they mean to me. Eventually you'll get to "meet" them through stories and photos, but those are for another time.
However, Vic is more than just a best friend to me, she's also my wife. Yes, you read correctly; I have a wife. On what is now known as the best day of my life, and what also happened to be Vic's birthday, Vic came up to me and whispered in my ear "we're married!" And from that day on, we've been wife and wife. Inseparable. Of course, we've had rocky points in our relationship, as any couple does, but we always remember that above all and no matter what, we are best friends. I would honestly be lost without her. She's been there for the good and the bad throughout college and now beyond.
She even lets me vent to her about the most idiotic things, and never judges me (unless I ask her to, that is). We like to say we're the same person, because somehow we are almost always on the same wavelength. We've traveled to Italy together, gone on weekend trips, made visits to each other's hometowns and talk pretty much every single day, always ending conversations with a quick "love you" just to make sure the other one knows. Hey wife, if you're reading this, "love you always."