G is for...

Graffiti. OK. So I am not feeling the creative vibes coming to me at all today and this is all I've got. Deal with it. Matt and Adam were a little bit obsessed with graffiti while we were in Israel. (Actually, I'm pretty sure they're obsessed with graffiti ALL the time, but we met in Israel, so they were obsessed there in my mind.) We found this "local art" while on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem, and they just had to take pictures in front of it. This is them being super tough and gangster. Yeah. Gangster Jews - what up, yo?

G is also for Golan Heights Winery. While in Israel, we visited this winery and got to do a little wine tasting one afternoon. Wine is really not my drink of choice, and I don't drink red wine at all, but it was still a fun experience. We learned a little, drank a little and bought a lot. No one in my family really drinks wine, except for my Pop-Pop, and even after learning about the wines, I still had no clue how to pick out an appropriate bottle of wine, so I bought my brother and his girlfriend Diana a bottle of olive oil instead. We also got to take home the wine glass we used in the tasting, which was nice. Hmm. Come to think of it, where is that wine glass? Note to self: Look for Golan Heights Winery wine glass.
Great photos for the letter G for ABC Wednesday.
Bear((( )))
Loved the wine tasting...I would taste a lot and take home a lot! LOL! Great post, thanks so much for contributing.
hi there. 3 things...
1) nice post. you can't beat a bit of wine tasting.
2) the guy in the last post was an ass!
3) congrats to you and your girlee, curleegirlee :-]
take care.
nice post and some great "G"
Those aint no gangstas, buncha whitebread mofos yo,
A wine tasting in Israel! That would be fun. For some, wine is an acquired taste. Keep tasting and learning about wine and who knows? You just might grow to love it!
I was interested in your Winery photos. I visited a winery in the Hunter Valley yesterday so it's still fresh in my mind. There isn't a single leaf on the vines yet but Spring is definitely on its way.
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